Monday, 20 February 2017

Why I Decided to Finally Purchase the Wii U

I decided to get a Wii U recently. The Wii U isn't the best console. It's the least sold console from Nintendo to date considering that all the previous Nintendo consoles had their fair share of success despite the very powerful competition they've had in the past. The Wii U was build to compete against the PS4 and Xbox One. I've always wondered to understand why it didn't sell so well and I actually do have a few theories about why. It over sells the tablet. All I ever saw was a tablet on the screen. I'm actually not sure what that slim looking box is to be honest. I actually understood what it was because when I got it, I finally saw what it is. Secondly it's clearly the Wii's success but active play from the past. The Wii was bought by so many however it was later shelved by many and people simply weren't playing them when they weren't released. (reference: So it clearly explains what many people thought about the console when it was released.

The main reason I wanted to get the Wii U is because it is Nintendo's strong attempt to sell the console and in my opinion, they've done that. It's a shame it's the same story as the Wii U is almost like what Sega did with the Dreamcast expect it didn't put Nintendo out of business but it did scare them considering they're releasing the Nintendo Switch.

I believe the current owners are going to make the most out of the console. One day, there would be such good support like the Dreamcast has and it's one of the reasons I got the console. The tablet is historic but it doesn't catch on with so many. Many great games which take advangate of the consoles hardware. I think the discs are tackled together. Nintendo didn't want it to be a Blu-ray player, so they called it another Nintendo formatted disc which uses the Blu Ray technology. I actually think while it embed this feature, it still feels like blu-ray and is just a way to hide it to make it feel special, maybe it works. The games make up for it. Games like Mario Kart, Zelda, Splattoon, Pokken Tournament (Clearly a play on words on Pokemon and Tekken) and even Bayonetta 2 have make a strong mark in gaming which is seen on the Wii U. The Wii U really caters for gamers. A shame it didn't sell so well because those games are going to be rare. The main reason I got the Wii U now shortly after the news broke that Nintendo would stop manufacturing them.

So that's really about it. That sums up why I got the Wii U now. Also... it's going to be the last console I'm ever going to purchase in my life time. As much as I like disc based consoles, from the PlayStation, Dreamcast and Xbox, I can't be bothered sitting down seeing the rest of gaming. I'm taking a big rest from purchasing consoles. Maybe if Amazon or Google make a disc based console, then I'll get back on. Even Apple if they want to go down that road of making a console. Steam machines maybe too. Who knows. Anything could happen in the gaming industry. Funny how Nintendo Switch will use cartridges also because I'm catching on to that.

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Sunday, 19 February 2017

Another Watch of The Terminator

I wasn't around when The Terminator was released in the theatres but after watching Terminator Genesys with a different kind of Sarah Connor and how surreal the movie feels compared with the other Terminator movies before it, I had to buy the DVD and re-watch it. Not that I haven't seen it before, I barely remember what happened, so I had to watch it again. Another movie where I truly understood what may of been going on during the 1980s. The poster barely gives it away. The hero of the movie, Kyle Reese (not Arnold's character) is the lead character but he doesn't get a place on the movie posters. Instead we have the character who is the Terminator on the poster. What better way to put one of the world champion of the 1970s on a movie poster to get people into the theatres? Maybe most of you already know this, but I had other stuff to focus on in my life, so I just noticed now.

Something else that greatly interested me, the guy that played the lead character, Michael Biehn. It may of been his first solo hero character in a movie. The previous movies he's been doing, clearly made him into this role in The Terminator. His first movie was title The Fan, went he plays a stalker. If you want to get that movie on DVD, you'll have trouble doing so as the movie cost me almost $25 to own because it's out-of-print and the other movie he's in is Lord of Disciples went he plays a cadet in national forces. (I have but haven't watched yet) So you have a guy who played a stalker in his first movie role and another role where he had military experiences, so what better way to put him in a film, where he has to to find (and follow) Sarah Connor in some 80s club at night hours and later tries to explain to her what those terminator from the future are made off without looking crazy? The entire industry was in on this back then which may it must of a thrill to watch. You could tell they enjoyed the movie the most.

The Terminator has aged alot and it almost doesn't feel natural to watch it but it's really hard to remember that this was the movie that gave us the other Terminator movies (with all their CGI and special effects) and shows. Those movies had us watching and even discussing why this movie exists. This movie (along with other Arnie starred movies) is definitely a re-watch and examine.

You want to meet more folks like myself? Head over to to discuss these movies.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Hardwired: Metallica's Stays True in their Latest Album?

It's nice to know Metallica are staying true to their root of releasing their latest album in a disc format. While the track come on two discs, the songs don't really take up all the disc space but it's understandable as artists during the 90s did whatever they could to take up all the space or the opposite, be forced to clamp everything into a single discs. Metallica really puts their marketing skills to this as they release their album across two discs and manage all their songs across two. Less is more I suppose and it shows here.

Song wises, they keep their iconic drum, bass and guitar riffs intact with Hetfield voice, making it recognisable. Same bits, tempos and pace aswell as with any single. self-destruct is Metallica showing their maturity in their career with the album.

Of course, I'm not finished talking about the latest movies, music and video games trending right now. You can find me and talk to others at about the latest releases.